Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Mood: School Dazed I wasn't allowed on the computer yesterday; my mom had to do some big project (of course she waited until 8 to try to start, 8:30 to get about to start, and 9 o'clock to really actually START). All i had time to do was IM Konran. *sigh*. I'm at school now in the library during first (supposedly) studying for my math IB test, yes, I'm supposed to be doing that, lol, for Statistics class. I thought I'd take a short break at the beginning to check in here, though. Seriously, our ferret is sooooooooo cute!!! I'll have pictures of him soon, methinks. *raises eyebrow* my sister is in here, too, but she has claaaaass..... she's skiiiipping.... oh ok, she says she's supposed to be in here too *laughs*.... anyway, until tomorrow... or tonight maybe. Bye
Bastet was here at 9:11 AM
Monday, April 28, 2003
Mood: Gettin' tired ... getting ready for bed ![](p-usaonegai.gif) I forgot to tell ya'll a few days ago; I added a new wallpaper to the free stuff (which I realize I haven't re-linked to the main page, hehe, sorry, I'm dumb sometimes so here's the link.) PLUS when you follow that link you may notice a new section... that's right Photoshop 7 brushes. Sorry, for now all I have up is GIF previews (....>< Freeservers SUCK.... long story short: I can't upload them for some reason). But you will be able to get them once I get my top-secret project done (a domain, shhh ^_~) in July. I also made 2 free banners, but I didn't feel like putting them up. Maybe tomorrow, eh? Yesterday we bought a ferret!!! Yes, one of those weasel-looking things ;) but it's sooooooooooo cute and it's soooooooooo sweet, really. We don't have a name yet... I suggested Bandit because it has a black mask... and it's really... kinda devious, lol. (I say it, but its a "he"). Suggestions? BTW, I just noticed that this site is best viewed at night; i made it at night, so during the day when there's lots of sunshine coming through the window it looks way too dark. But look at it at night and it is pretty ^_~. I'm kinda busy playing homework catch up, but maybe by this weekend I'll be relaxed enough and have enough slack .... wait!! IB tests are next weeeeeek! Nooooooooo! >< That means I have to study all weekend. *Sigh*. Well the weekend after is my sister's birthday (what to get her? what to get her??????) My head hurts ><.um... um um um ummmmmm.... I've got to do some major research for dea--- oops! can't tell you ;) lol. My ferret is so cute!... but he did draw blood on me today. I didn't notice till a while after (it doesn't really hurt-- his claws are tiny-- he IS just a baby). but now the scratches are all swollen, haha. It's no worse than a cat scratch though (actually cat scratches are worse!). My cats keep trying to pop the ferret :( They need to stop that. Anyway, it's about time for bed ... bye for now :D
Bastet was here at 10:40 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2003
Mood: ....I don't know ![](p-usahate.gif) WELL new layout!!! New as in I updated the Kamira (She's now wearing clothes... to the disappointment of many, i'm sure) and the background is now black, so it matches a little more (though I must say I was getting used to that funky black on white look ^_~) Now the scene drawn makes sense... it could have easily happened (she's wearing sleep clothes) so she might have heard a noise and gotten up to investigate... versus the Kamira was in the shower and she heard a noise and happened to be holding her gun one, lol. .... I'm watching game shows... something I shouldn't be allowed to do because I can't help myself from SCREAAAAMING at the television every 30 seconds... lol. I feel kinda sickly... but still strangely hungry (even though I must have eaten 10,000 calories yesterday LOL... j/k... well... <<... lol) oh yeah!!! Yesterday after I went downtown with Konran and Silven I stopped at Fred Meyer (because I knew my mom wouldn't be home, so I wanted to buy some dinner/lunch/whatever meal you can eat at 4 o'clock) and when I payed at the U Scan, I was supposed to get 4 dollars in change. Instead I got four 5 dollar bills in change!!! Mahahahahahahahaha!! My rationale was that good things do happen to nice people. I think that that must have been one of those character testing moments... well I know now that if it comes down to get 16 dollars extra or be honest and cop up to a mechanical error... I'm SO taking the money ;) .... besides, at first I wasn't even sure it was a mistake.... PLUS after I realized it was.... I actually got back in line to try again ^^;; lol (but this lady took the machine and blah blah blah called the cashier over blah blah who opened the machine to put money in blah so I went for the door blah and heard a message on the PA "Annete!! Please get back to the UScan!" hahaha).... stupid Fred Meyer has caused me at least 16 dollars waste in taking years off my life (high blood pressure!) and literally taking minutes from my day by closing off that one exit from the building >< grrrrrr.... mahahahaha .... anyway see you later :D
Bastet was here at 1:00 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Mood: Kinda Grumpy ![](p-usapiku.gif) Ehhh... I tried to work out some things... think through some ideas... but now I'm even more conflicted and indecisive than before. I'm grumpy... No school tomorrow! *dances*.... but I'm quite hungry... I've been waiting for dinner since I got home... >< AND I wore these shoes that had really high heels today (they were thick, but high) and they didn't hurt me till about the end of 6th (which I spent on my feet looking for costumes in the costume room) and I'd decided I was gonna go to the library to check out some books on websites etc (research for dea-- oops, um... the secret project ;) ) so I went, but I had to walk to the MAX station which nearly killed me, then I walked from the MAX to the library, through the library, wandered around, got my books, walked to the MAX station, and from the MAX station to the bus stop. THEN my bus (which took forever to arrive) broke down 50 blocks outbound, but still 30 blocks away from my house... so I walked 2 blocks so the bus could see me at a stop (so I wasn't hidden behind a broken down bus), waited... and a bus came... I took that... walked from the bus stop home.. and now I'm positively crippled! *waaaaaah!* .... *sighs* and someone in drama warned me, too, lol. It is raining.
Bastet was here at 6:06 PM
Monday, April 21, 2003
Mood: Vindictive ![](p-usapanti1.gif) Sometimes I feel like reaching out and KILLING someone else!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! >< I'll have to do some deep thinking later... I just don't know what to do sometimes when the only thing I like doing becomes something I hate . . . . o_O.... . . . . . . . . Easter was good. Did I say that already? I got lotsa candy :D :D :D :D Yeah, candy isn't good for me, but blah!!! it gives me headaches, but blaaaah!!! something that tastes THAT good just CAN'T be that bad! haha. I'm really happy with my kao-ani. They're so cute! (Not MINE, remember, but i found them... link in the credits and in an earlier post, too if you want some). I will be changing my layout soon... or not... depending on how i feel. I was only leaving it up because SOMEONE said they wanted to see it first *glares* lol. Anyway, I might not, too. Might be feeling to drained, ja know??? Ta ta for now
Bastet was here at 10:25 PM
Mood: Hungry... kinda Lazy.... Headache-y...![](p-usaboso.gif) ehhhhh.... --_-- I'm hungry. And kinda lazy-tired feeling... and I have a headache. :P ick. I have an IB test in a couple-o'-weeks... May 5, 6. I get to miss the whole days of school those two days... but I do have to take monster tests, so it balances out ;). The next monday and tuesday I might be missing *more* school to go to the beach ^_^.... not under the most pleasant of circumstances, but still I get to go there + miss school. maha! I think I might have to figure out a way to take my Spanish class those two IB days. . *sigh* if I get more than 3 absences in that class I have to come in to make it up >< I don't know what that entails...but it must be unpleasant. lol. Bah. . . . . . . . um. . . . I have to go try to get some dinner made ^_~
Bastet was here at 4:07 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2003
Mood: Guilty ![](p-usaase.gif) Gah! I feel so bad!!!! I got my report card.... and I'm pretending we didn't... I'd actually put it out there (I'd have to write a note explaining one teacher's note:"late/missing assignments/projects"... well I DID turn it in, just late, can't do anything about that NOW)... but if I did then Kristine would have to put hers out there, too, and well.... my mom would *murder* her for what she got, methinks ^^;;;;;. It's not really fair: I have 2 A's, and 3 B's that are SOOOO close to being A's but aren't (89-point-something in Biology, 88.8 in Math, and in my Spanish class I think it's 90-point-something, but an A is at 91 in there :( ), and one C that is actually a B now. --_-- Blah!!! I have to register for the SAT's.... and get a perfect score now :P lol. No, these grades were just 3rd quarter, which means they don't count (they're like glorified progress reports).... but still, my parent's wouldn't understand... and in 6th grade they yelled at me because I got 2 B's... :( ! ! !..... My hair is in lots of little braids... not lots... and not my whole head or anything cause my hair is so long and thick and blah that would take like 6 hours, haha.... but I have some. I like it. Too bad it took like 45 minutes... so I can't really do it in the mornings. BUT I slept in it last night and this morning it still looks ok... I could do that I suppose. Anyhoo. . . . look for updates coming soon.... maybe not to here, but DEFINITELY keep your eyes peeled at the end of June/beginning of July *wink WINK*.... That is all I can say, for I am sworn to secrecy. Really, I'd be DEAD meat if I said a THING about it.... (LOL) Anyway, till later ;)
Bastet was here at 12:43 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2003
Mood: .... Hungry..... ![](p-usamogu.gif) .... It's lunch time here at school. we have 10 minutes left. I'm kinda tired. And hungry. . . I feel like I need to sleep. I kept falling asleep on the bus and everytime I did my head would slide down the glass (resting head against the window) and it would wake me up.... it was like torture!!! ER.... PLUS I'm having some major anger problems with certain peoples and their certain *ego problem* ..... *coughcoughcough*.... At least if you have a huge ego, you don't have to put me down, do you??? Ok, yes I suppose you would. Well . . . then. . . . . *ahem*.. . ... . I have Halpern next. (English. It's not English anymore though, it's different; it's "Halpern" LOL). And I forgot to bring my Heart of Darkness book to school. It's a good book if you don't mind that it is really deep, hehe.... I love my strange psycho-ness that makes me say things to people that are supposed to be insulting them or giving them a hint/tipping them off.... etc, but I always end up rephrasing it JUST enough so that I don't think they'd get it. Strange... why would I bother saying anything at all then??? dude.... I gotsta think about that. My essay is due tonight at midnight... rather, it WAS due at midnight, but now it is due at 4:56 AM tomorrow morning LOL. Kinda arbitrary? I think that's when my teacher gets up in the morning, so it makes him laugh that we'll be going to bed when he gets up XP .... or maybe it really IS arbitrary. Anyway... this is too long and the bell is about to ring. Bye
Bastet was here at 12:48 PM
Monday, April 14, 2003
Mood: Tired.... and nervous + ![](p-usapori.gif) Well I finished the first draft of my essay, but I don't think there's much hope that there won't be a little note on my report card. It will probably say "Missing major assignments" or something like that. i realized something today in Spanish: I really don't care what grade I get, but I care if my parents yell at me. I don't even think they'd PUNISH me even if I got a bad grade (which to them would be a C, which I'm almost inevitably getting in History cause of that essay) but I think they'd yell at me... and I really really really dislike it when people yell at me... I don't know.... you know.... I think I have this obsession with being perfect... and when someone points out I'm not.... I get very upset. Hm. Maybe that's it. Well then why don't I care if I get a bad test grade/grade on a report card? .... strange... I'll have to think of this more... Tonight I must do the full essay for the final draft is due tomorrow ^^;; Yeah... what's the use of turning in a rough draft today when it's due in final form tomorrow? I dunno.... but I have to turn it in. Note: did I say this already? Kamira at left was originally drawn to be in clothes, cause I drew it many days ago as a pic for a layout at deadthing (before Konran suggested she draw them), then I thought our site would get better hits if there were people in swimsuits... so I put her in a swimsuit... but then I colored her w/o it and it looked really nice... so I just left it.... considered trashing it /adding clothes whatever... but then I was like, well, she's drawing them anyway.... so it doens't matter.... hehe... that was the bell. Byes
Bastet was here at 12:51 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2003
Mood: *crying* My mother is mean. Mean mean mean. She tells me to shut up and be quiet at the dinner table like I'm insignificant. Enough people already think that and convey it to me; it's really nice to get it from my mom, too. Makes me feel very special, indeed. Now I need to go do this essay... and repress this so that I'm not a wreck anymore. Sometimes... I really feel like... if I just killed them... everything would be better. More often I can find another easy-to-take-down target . . . luckily for me, so far I only haven't done myself in because I'm afraid of going to Hell for it. Just praying for a "happy accident" I guess.
Bastet was here at 6:48 PM
Friday, April 11, 2003
Mood: Hmmm... ![](p-usau-n.gif) Hm. Sorry. These colors don't match. But I REALLY don't want to go in and change the color scheme on 100 pages of content here ^^;; sorry... next time, for the next site I do, I'll use css so I can change all the pages with 1 change of code *karate moves*. For now, hang in there, k? and try to ignore the slight ugliness ^^;;... The girl to the left is Kamira... she fights aliens... in the nude?.... sometimes.... ^_~
Bastet was here at 11:18 PM
Mood: ...Sunny ![](p-usabui.gif) I'm starting to use some new mood icons/kao-ani that I got here. They're cute and there's a ton more different ones. I might switch again in a few months cause I found some other cute ones. No school today, so I feel pretty good about that. But I have to do this essay this weekend and turn it in before monday... or on monday... they don't turn in grades till monday. I don't really care if I get a C+, but if the little note on the card says I'm missing a major assignment then my parents will flip. . . so I have to get it in even if I don't get points ^^;;.... I got two essays back in English. An A on one and a B+ on the other. Really good for THAT class. And that's better than I expected on the B+ essay (my topic wasn't very good to start with).. .. .. Anyhoo. I bought waterguns to squirt my cast with. They are having a memorization check on Monday >:) mahahahahaha! lol. I'm kinda hungry... >>.....<<....>>... oh and I'm kinda angry at someone for making me feel bad >< I hate it when people are so arrogant. Oh weeeeeeell ;)
Bastet was here at 3:24 PM
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Mood: Kinda "lame" feeling ![](kido11.gif) I went to the library and checked out the books I need to do my history report. But... I guess it's this late it won't matter if I email it to him Thursday or Friday. Gah. No school Friday. End of the quarter. I might consider not doing it at all, but I don't want it to say that i'm missing significant assignments on my report card... that and having a C+ might ruffle my parents a little. I don't know why it matters anyway. 3rd quarter isn't a final grade; semesters are what count. *sigh* Anyway... been spending a little bit too much time at Sparknotes trying to help with homework/questions people have... I like being helpful... what can I say? I'm a freaking freak lol... I hate television so much. It's absolute torture... ooohhhhh shoot... I forgot to turn in something in biology.... *makes face*.... well... it should be ok. Heart of Darkness is creepy... anyone agree? lol.... .... >>.....see ya later ;)
Bastet was here at 8:08 PM
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
Mood: Manic! ![](kido1.gif) I can't find a graphic that's really "manic" hehe, in the way that I mean it. I'm definitely feeling very manic right now! I have energy... so much energy... my fingers are like... full of energy, lol and I'm talking a mile a minute and I had all these plans but now they're a little bit delayed because my brother's baseball game is at 6 instead of 4:30 like I thought it was going to be, which matters because I was thinking of going to the library to return some books and pick up a couple of new ones :D :D right now the Fifth Element is on and it's a good movie. . . . . Today was an alright day in school today. Drama is last period so it nearly always leaves me in a good mood for coming home. Today was an especially good day in drama... I'm the director, remember. It's hard telling people what to do. I don't like doing it, lol. Strange? Maybe... I just don't feel like, in most places, I have any right to... or that I'm superior to them in a manner that would allow me to boss them around ;). Anyhooooo... I'm working on a new layout... tentatively... if this new website project pans out then I won't... but if we decide to can it then I probably will ;)... depends... *shrug*. See ya later
Bastet was here at 5:09 PM
Sunday, April 06, 2003
Mood: So sad ![](kido8.gif) I'm so sad. I'm always sad on Sundays. On Friday I stayed home, went to the doctor, nearly had a heart attack when they told me it WASN'T an ear infection, and lived the rest of the day in pain and guilt. The weekend mainly sucked, and I put off every ounce of homework that I had hoped to get done. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me... *attempts smile* I really don't know how I've been passing the time. I can't stand to do the things I like to, watching TV is tedious, and talking to people online makes my blood pressure rise... But I'm not sad, per se, it's a numb, sick feeling... gah. . . whatevah... been busy thinking about a new web project Konran and I have been talking about (which hasn't been too fun to do, either, though it seems like it should be very fun). Oh well. . . Hm. I absolutely MUST write out a plan, as just doing whatever I want whenever I want is causing me too much guilt. End of the quarter is thursday (no school friday) and I don't know whether to keep things the way they are and think of it as a "cry for help" or work real hard and cover it all up. Heh. Sad thing is, I'd bet it IS a passive agressive cry for attention, but it would be just like me to sabotage my subconscious *laughs* Well I can always make myself laugh ;) This funk will be over I'd bet, soon. Mondays are good for me... better than Sundays.
Bastet was here at 10:43 PM
Thursday, April 03, 2003
Mood: PAAAAAAAAAIN! MAJOR PAIN! ^^;;MY EAR!!! IT HURTS!!! A LOT!!... I took tylenol already... it feels all plugged up and achey, and before it was so intense (the pain) my left eye was watering at school, and then tonight I thought I was going to cry... i've been downplaying it at home because I don't want to go overboard and have everyone think I'm faking.. which I'm not *cries* man, I just can't win... Anyone know what it means when you have a sore throat on the same side as your ear ache and it gets worse when you swallow or drink things? Email me if you do... I might go to the doctor tomorrow :P if it still hurts in the morning I'm definitely going to insist I go. Bye bye for now ^_~
Bastet was here at 10:13 PM
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
*note* the following is the post from Sunday around 2 AM that I couldn't post due to server problems or whatever* Mood: WAH! ![](kido8.gif) NO! School starts again tomorrow! Well... it's still Saturday for me cause I haven't gone to bed yet... but it's technically Sunday already. ;^O^; Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! *sniff sniff* I hate school so much... it's way not fair, man. AND this stupid HS stuff makes me so mad-sad and icky feeling. AND I've been having horrrible horrible bad bad BAD dreams lately.... :( .... anyway, G'night! I'm gonna try to sleep ;)
Bastet was here at 4:17 PM
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