Aaaaaaaagh I spent too much money today. I bought striped tights, some earrings, a patch for my bag, and a book (The Skies of Pern! Eee!) I still want this really cool Tutorial CD I found online though . I'll have to go look for it at a comic book store... oh yeah... updates updates... I did a lot of stuff today. Making interior pages, tweaking them, etc etc. Oh! And now the Backgrounds page (inside the Free Graphics Section) does this really really cool effect! At least, I think it's cool. . . when you click on a graphic the background changes to that image! hee! hee! Ok, yes you've seen it before. But now you can see it here! :D
New layout! Wheee! And I'm working on adding a couple new piccies to the gallery :) Guess what I got for Christmas!!!? A ruby Graphire tablet! Yes! :D I colored the tutorial pic from that should be up in the gallery soon. . . along with some pictures of my christmas presents :) I'm gonna upload a bunch of random pictures. Hopefully *someone* will appreciate them ;) Anyhoooooooo . . . . I'll start working on a group Updates/Blog . . . thing after I tweak this a bit . . . see ya :D And Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Etc!!